Balloon Sinus Surgery Kirkland

Some form of sinusitis affects over 37 million Americans across the country. A good majority of these cases can be helped with traditional treatment and medication, but there is a large portion that struggles with chronic sinusitis. Chronic sinusitis can require nasal procedures to relieve patients of living with constant symptoms. Balloon sinus surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that can be a great solution for many sinus conditions. Kirkland balloon sinus surgery is led by one of the top sinus surgeons in the area, Dr. David Santos. With his expertise and team at Sinusitis in Seattle, patients can find relief from living with chronic sinusitis. 

Understanding Balloon Sinus Surgery 

What is Balloon Sinus Surgery? 

Balloon sinus surgery, or balloon sinuplasty, is a surgical method that utilizes a catheter-based system to widen the nasal passageways and clear any infection or build-up from the nose. This innovative procedure is a minimally invasive alternative to endoscopic sinus surgery. Sometimes called “angioplasty for the nose,” the balloon catheter works by gently reconstructing the nasal passageways, fixing any bone or tissue creating any blockage. Kirkland balloon sinus surgery widens and drains the nasal cavities, leaving them in great condition to promote proper draining in the future.  

Origins of Balloon Sinuplasty

Surgical sinus procedures have treated chronic sinusitis since the late 1990s, but balloon sinus surgery or balloon sinuplasty is a fairly new procedure, becoming FDA-approved in 2005. Since then, otolaryngologists have been performing the surgery with high success rates. Despite the high success rates of the procedure, many patients have fear around any sinus procedure. Kirkland balloon sinuplasty is one of the biggest innovations in sinus surgery and is considered extremely safe. Although it’s a newer surgical procedure, it’s one of the best options to treat chronic sinus conditions. 

Who Is A Good Candidate For Kirkland Balloon Sinuplasty? 

Balloon sinus surgery is most commonly used to treat cases of chronic sinusitis and rhinosinusitis but can treat a variety of sinus problems. The surgery does not remove large amounts of tissue from the nasal cavity, so it cannot treat nasal polyps. Instead, the procedure works by softly widening and reconstructing the nasal passageways, which promotes healthy drainage. 

Even with minimally invasive surgery such as balloon sinuplasty, surgery is typically the last resort when treating chronic sinus conditions. The best candidates for balloon sinus surgery are those whose symptoms do not respond to traditional medication or treatment. When this occurs, Dr. Santos may recommend a procedure such as a balloon sinuplasty. 

You may benefit from Kirkland balloon sinus surgery if you chronically deal with the following symptoms: 

  • Recurring sinus infections
  • Sinus headaches or sinus pressure
  • Facial pain around the sinuses
  • Postnatal drip
  • Congestion 
  • Difficulties breathing
  • Snoring
  • Sore throat (usually associated with postnatal drip) 

Balloon Sinus Surgery Safety Concerns 

Because balloon sinus surgery is a relatively new procedure, it is common for patients to have some initial concerns. Balloon sinuplasty has been used since the early 2000s and boasts a high success rate for many cases of chronic sinusitis and rhinosinusitis. It is considered a minimally invasive, safe procedure and greatly benefits the patient’s quality of life. Working with a leading sinus surgeon like Dr. Santos ensures Kirkland balloon sinus surgery patients are in the best and most experienced hands. 

Every surgery comes with risks, including balloon sinuplasty. Standard risks include infection, complications with anesthesia, and bleeding. There are a few serious risks, but these are highly uncommon. 

Dr. Santos will put his patient’s safety first by conducting an in-depth screening and examination, to ensure there are no underlying health conditions that could put the patient at risk of complications. He will also discuss anesthesia options and help you find the best option for you, and prescribe medication to negate the risk of infection. 

What’s The Difference Between Balloon And Traditional Sinus Surgery? 

There are some similarities between Kirkland balloon sinus surgery and traditional sinus surgery. However, the conditions, processes, and tools used vary. While both surgeries use an endoscopic instrument, in a balloon sinuplasty, the endoscope is solely used for visibility into the nasal passageways. During traditional sinus surgery, the endoscope is fitted with a surgical instrument that removes problem areas, while balloon sinus surgery uses an inflatable catheter to reconstruct the nasal passageways slowly. 

Balloon sinuplasty is typically a shorter and less invasive surgery with a faster recovery time. It’s geared more towards patience with less severe sinus conditions, or structural sinus issues. Because there is no removal of bone or tissue, it does not remove nasal polyps. 

Traditional sinus surgery is a more extensive surgery that requires a slightly longer recovery time. It’s best for patients with severe cases of chronic sinusitis or rhinosinusitis and can remove sinus tissue and nasal polyps. It may also have longer-lasting results for symptoms of chronic sinusitis. It’s also considered the gold standard of sinus surgery.

Both procedures can be excellent options for anyone suffering from chronic sinus conditions. Dr. Santos will decide if Kirkland balloon sinuplasty is the best option for you during your consultation. 

Kirkland Balloon Sinuplasty Process 


The initial consultation with Dr. Santos will help to provide him with all the necessary information to determine if balloon sinus surgery is the best option for you. He will need your medical history and current sinus conditions, and physical examination. He may also need to do certain tests like a nasal endoscopy or CT scan to see if your sinus condition would benefit from a balloon sinuplasty.

Dr. Santos will then provide you with the best treatment options. Depending on the results of the tests and your medical history, the treatment may or may not include surgery. If he determines that you would benefit from Kirkland balloon sinus surgery, he will walk you through the preparations, surgery process, and recovery.  

Kirkland Balloon Sinuplasty

If balloon sinus surgery is a good fit for your sinus condition, you will arrive at Dr. Santos’ outpatient clinic, Sinusitis, in Seattle. Typically, the surgery takes less than an hour, and you can expect to go home the same day. 

Dr. Santos will use either local or general anesthesia, based on what was determined during the consultation. If local anesthesia has been selected, an IV sedation will be used in conjunction. Once properly under anesthesia, Dr. Santos will begin the procedure. 

Kirkland balloon sinus surgery is a straightforward and simple procedure that begins by Dr. Santos inserting the balloon catheter and endoscope into the nostril. The endoscope will allow him visibility into the nasal passageways. 

Next, he will position the balloon into the affected sinus cavity and gently begin inflating. The inflation will correct the nasal structure and widen the pathways. This allows mucus to flow functionally after the surgery. Once fully inflated, Dr. Santos will spray a saline solution into the nasal cavity and rinse out any infection, pus, or mucus buildup. Finally, he will remove the instruments.

Recovery and Care 

The healing process after your Kirkland balloon sinuplasty is typically an easy recovery. Dr. Santos will recommend avoiding strenuous exercise for a week and may prescribe a saline rinse to promote healing. Use should begin one to two days after the procedure, and last about a week.  

Common things to expect after surgery include bloody discharge while using the saline rinse and congestion. Both can last for a week or so while the nasal cavities heal. 

Dr. Santos recommends a week of rest before returning to work or normal activities, but certain cases might be cleared to return to work sooner. Pain medication can also be prescribed if needed, but most patients do not experience much pain following the procedure and don’t need to take them.

Dr. David Santos, Best Kirkland Sinus Surgeon 

Dr. David Santos is a double board-certified otolaryngologist with over three decades of experience in sinus surgery. He received his certification from the American Board of Otolaryngology and has overseen and performed hundreds of sinus surgeries. 

Dr. Santos is one of the best sinus surgeons in Kirkland. His leading research and use of local anesthesia can help patients easily recover, and his skilled techniques ensure Kirkland balloon sinuplasty patients will find relief for their symptoms.  

To learn more or schedule a consultation, call us at 206-242-3696. You can also reach us online via our contact form.