How Do I Stop Coughing From Sinus Drainage?

Sinus drainage is frustrating, and on top of that, it leads to coughing. When excess mucus from the nasal passages drips down to the throat, it gives an irritating sensation, triggering a cough as a natural response of the body. Fortunately, there are effective ways...

Best Antibiotic For Sinus Infection In Adults

Struggling with a blocked nose? Sinus infections can be the reason. It is a condition that occurs when the nasal passages become inflamed and swollen. In a city like Seattle, where damp and rainy weather is common, sinus infections can be a recurring issue for many...

How To Remove A Sinus Mucus Plug At Home

Dealing with a sinus mucus plug can be frustrating and uncomfortable. The persistent feeling of blockage, pressure in your face, and not being able to breathe freely is enough to make anyone miserable. Sinus mucus plugs are a frequent problem, especially during...

How To Cure Your Sinuses Permanently

When you have sinus issues, you may deal with symptoms that affect your daily life. Congestion, facial pain, and headaches can all be part of chronic sinusitis and can become very uncomfortable and irritating,  If you’re looking for some relief from these symptoms,...