How Do I Know If I Have Fungal Sinusitis?

How Do I Know If I Have Fungal Sinusitis?

How Do I Know If I Have Fungal Sinusitis? Sinusitis has three possible causes: a virus, bacteria, or fungi. Viral and bacterial sinusitis account for the majority of sinusitis cases. However, fungal sinusitis—while rare—can be one of the more serious forms of...
How Is Chronic Sinusitis Diagnosed?

How Is Chronic Sinusitis Diagnosed?

Sinusitis is a frequently diagnosed acute condition. Most people will probably experience a sinus infection at some point in their lives. However, chronic sinusitis is less common. Considering it has nearly identical symptoms to many other illnesses, it can be...
Can Stress Cause Sinus Problems?

Can Stress Cause Sinus Problems?

Can Stress Cause Sinus Problems? Stress, especially poorly managed stress, is known to cause a variety of health problems. While most people know that stress can worsen just about any medical condition or infection, many do not realize the extent to which stress can...
Are Nasal Polyps Serious?

Are Nasal Polyps Serious?

A common condition that many patients presenting with chronic sinusitis have is nasal polyps. The name can sometimes cause concern for patients, especially if surgery is recommended. Many patients will ask, “Are nasal polyps serious?” In most cases, nasal polyps are...